Air Exchanger Installation, Service and Cleaning

Venmar Air Exchanger, Fantech, Nu-air, Broan

Would you like to reduce humidity levels, eliminate airborne pollutants and minimize the loss of heat in your home? As an authorized Venmar supplier, we can provide you with the most competitive prices on Energy Star rated air exchanger installs in HRM!

We carry industry leading brands of Heat Recovery (HRV) and Energy Recovery (ERV) technology to fit small/large homes, commercial buildings, condominiums and apartments. Our sophisticated sheet metal shop and in-house design team allows us to provide customers in all market segments with flexible systems that provide guaranteed satisfaction. Good Air can provide you with a customized, efficient and cost-effective ventilation solution to help your occupants breathe safer, more comfortable air today.

Click below to book an estimate!

Good Air is a Venmar AVS Certified
The members of the AVS certified installers will help you during all your buying process. They will inform you how to choose the right unit your needs and install it professionally.

Venmar Air Exchangers

For A Healthier Environment

Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump
Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump
Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump
Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump
Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump
Residential building ventilation service, bathroom fan, Air exchanger, HVAC, exhaust fan, fresh air, rangehood, Heat pump